
Here are the maps that I have been working on. This will be for the inside of the site guide for the brochure. I've transposed sites where there were a group of multiple sites close together. I will add in the locations, along with a listing of the sites for each mini map.

Final Logo

I'm still keeping this logo for now. I'm working on some maps that will mimic this style more than, say, the newspaper ads. After I finish the maps (see post above) I'll revisit the logo again to see if it still fits in with the rest of the package. I'll post a new one if it gets changed, along with final versions of all the projects in the end.


website beginnings

Here's the beginnings of my website that I am creating. As long as I can remember how to go past this point, I will continue trying to make this actually work. I want to stick to a hand drawn style, but will include selectable text on the descriptions of work. I am liking where this is going, and am wondering if this should be the overall style that I change my resume towards. I feel like this would be able to encompass my styles both as a designer and as an artist.



Here are two resume options I am currently working with. The top one includes the logo I am currently drawn to, and is still in progress. I am playing with different layout options and am thinking about having two different options, one more playful and one more serious. The bottom one is currently using some of the cutouts from my City Repair project that will get changed to different silhouettes. I think that I want to have two resumes, one more professional, and the other more playful.

Apparently I am still loving black and white, but I will also play with color. We'll see if I can pass that hurdle!

personal logo ideas

Here are a couple first ideas for a personal logo. The lower one is an LG, my initials, morphed from how I usually write them into a shape. The top is playing with the typography of my name. I am most drawn to the last one. Most of the letterforms are slightly changed from Bookman Old Style to fit what I would like them to look like. I was initially drawn to the letterforms of this typeface, the beautiful curved thick and thins that are contained by the structure of the block serifs. I am leaning more to the bottom right one containing my full name.


Here are the works in progress for all the projects thus far. Hopefully they will all get updated again soon!


some cutouts!

Here are some of the cutouts that I've been working on. There's plenty more to come, but now that I have them scanned, my designs will be able to be more free and flow more easily. Welcome back whimsy!

City Repair Site Map thus far